Virtual Staged
Saving the American Theater….one play at a time.
Welcome to Virtual Staged Readings. We are a community of artists presenting online readings of the Great American master works.
Our mission in multi-fold. First, we are here to celebrate the great body of American theater, a canon that has for years, examined who we are as a people, our strengths, our foibles, our courage, our faults, and our indomitable spirit. At this time of crisis, when we have all been given the time to contemplate our lives and go within, we are inviting you to come re-examine these plays as a way to remember where we, as a country, have been and where we may be going.
We will also be inviting regional theaters from all over the country to co-host these readings, bringing their repertory members and casts of past productions. We hope that these collaborations will the existence of our great regional theaters to the forefront of American cultural awareness. As theater practitioners, we have all been aware that other mediums have captured the attention of most Americans and kept them in their living rooms. Perhaps after this crisis, they will be very interested in coming back out to get their entertainment and art.
Lastly, we will be sending the proceeds from these readings to the Actor’s Fund. With theaters and venues closed around the country, so many artists are facing extraordinary financial challenge. We humbly ask for your donation to help them get through these difficult times. No amount is too small. As theater folk, we are a community, and we will, indeed, ‘get through this together.’
Please join us for our first reading of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman.” Considered the great American play of all time, this affecting and tragic work, examining the fragile, elusive nature of the American Dream could not be more relative or prescient at this time.